S.E.A.M.S. 30th Anniversary and BBQ

S.E.A.M.S. 30th Anniversary and BBQ

Date: 7th & 8th August 2021

Venue: Foxleigh Barn, Amberley, Arundel BN18 9LT

Thanks to our hosts Pete and Lin, we are holding a club 30th Anniversary event at Foxleigh Barn on 7th and 8th August with a free BBQ for all members on the Saturday evening (a small charge applied to non-members).

The event is open to non-memers too in recognition of Lin and Pete’s previous events where S.E.A.M.S. members have been invited to join in. We hope that you are all looking forward to a day or weekend out? Please bring an engine, perhaps one that you could tinker with, or just needs a good run, plus any bits that you want to sell or re-home. How about digging out those old photos from years ago to chat about in the evenings, but most of all please join in… anytime from Friday evening.

Please let Lin and Pete know if you are coming and for the BBQ, please contact Steve Rowland.