SEAMS News Archives

Chairman’s Report – Autumn 2023

Dear Members

Time marches on and I never really know where it goes to but I am keen to get an Autumn Newsletter out to our members. The rally season is drawing to a close where we have had an assortment of weather during the events season. We have had the extremes of heat and, I am sure we have all been sheltering from wind and rain while our engines continue to run.

The season for me starts with Staplefield, I think this is a great show, unfortunately this year was without Ian Sampson. Our thoughts go to all the engine men that have sadly passed; we will never forget you. Mark Tewkesbury did us proud with his article and pictures on the Staplefield Rally in the No 594 edition of Stationery Engine Magazine.

I have not entered that many shows this year, for me it was combining work, other interests and family life, but had some great times. The Parham Show was good, a new position for SEAMS this year albeit adjacent to the previous year, but far flatter. SEAMS had a good turn out even though there was an event clash which drew some members away (see individual article further on in the Newsletter).

The Cranleigh Show
After I think about 14 emails, I finally had it confirmed a few days before the event that we were in. The entering system had been handed over to a management company who, in my opinion, really cater for car clubs (of which we are not) but with the help of Sean Murrell, we contributed to the “Lions” charity and had agreement from the main organiser that they really wanted SEAMS to attend as people always find our engines very interesting. I intended to get there first but was just pipped by Steve Mills. After about 5 minutes the heavens opened, we had to run for cover to our vehicles.

Parham Show
The Parham Show was good, a new position for SEAMS this year albeit adjacent to the previous year, but far flatter. SEAMS had a good turn out even though there was an event clash which drew some members away (see individual article further on in the Newsletter).

SEAMS Club Engine 100th Birthday
Quick update on the SEAMS Club Engine. Since the Lister has had its magnet overhauled it has been exhibited between Dave Carpenter and Mark Tewkesbury and we thank you both for that.

We as a club obviously need an AGM and this will be on Friday 17th November at Faygate Village Hall. Feel free to gather from 7.30pm for an 8pm start. We really need as many members as possible to be present as there are some decisions and proposals to make.

January BBQ at Faygate
Regarding the January BBQ at Faygate, as we know the BBQ that Jon had has seen better days and to compound matters, he has lost his storage. Ian had a BBQ run by the caretaker in the hall and we would charge a fee per head. I have asked if he can still offer this service but due to work commitments he can’t. If any member could loan us a BBQ and transport it to Faygate, SEAMS would stand up for the food and ask for donations. Jon and I would even offer to cook again as none of you have died from our previous attempts. Please let me know on 07717 508496.

I know there have been many other events that members have attended, so please remember we would always be pleased to receive any rally reports/projects with your experiences of different events as always, we will prepare it for print. For this Newsletter we have not received anything from members so you will have to put up with committee members’ recollections within your Newsletter.

There have been a lot of discussions in recent times about the winter meetings because it is not always possible to get speakers for each meeting, which means they are not as exciting as they could be, so the question is “do they continue?” For the members that do attend we are really thankful for your support.

I will sign off now and hope to see as many as possible at the AGM 17th November at Faygate Village Hall.

Steve Rowland – Chairman/Treasurer