SEAMS News Archives

News from the Editor

It seems like only yesterday that I sat down to write the last editorial. Today is a nice sunny day and I’m enjoying a sit down after a hectic weekend! Thank goodness my shift got changed this week. The weather has been improving steadily and is supposed to be quite nice now in July, just in time for Wiston Steam Rally.

On the club engine front, the replacement magneto chain guard and trolley axle brackets have now been collected from Harlings Foundry in Hastings. They really do look the part and once weathered, you will be hard pressed to tell they are not original. Thanks to Tony Peirce for loaning the chain guard and Paul Cook for loaning the original trolley parts and meeting the costs of the chain guard. As these items were already in progress, it was impossible to stop them but should we continue with this project, they will be ready to go when the time arises. I may have ‘jumped the gun’ with comments in the last Engine Torque so things may progress slowly this year but as its currently high rally season, most folk are out enjoying the shows at the moment.

Has anyone else been working on any projects? I have been involved with returning Twyford Waterworks original Ruston 2PS compressor engine to working order. Those that attended Amberley may well remember it dying after about an hour in a cloud of blue smoke. New rings have now been fitted and the magneto repaired and re-magnetised thanks to a club member. Over the weekend, it ran for 2 events non-stop, showing that all is well now. It will be back on its plinth in time for the next open day. Talking of which, if anyone fancies an afternoon out, the works is an interesting place to visit, open the first Sunday of the month between April and October and every Sunday in August. It is situated in Hazeley Road just outside the village of Twyford, south-east of Winchester.

Another project I got roped into was the removal of a large 2 cylinder Ruston diesel Generating Set for Internal Fire Museum. This was situated near Sevenoaks and required careful extraction from a garden shed. Thanks to a team of helpers including several SEAMS members, the engine is now winging its way to Wales and an active retirement, providing extra power on ‘event days’.

So all that remains for me to say is enjoy your rallying , where ever that may be and remember that the next deadline for contributions is the 30th of August.  It would be great to hear from you.

Mark Tewkesbury
Acting Editor