SEAMS News Archives

News from the Editor Nov/Dec 2014

It hardly seems possible we are but a few weeks away from Christmas!… and yet today whilst at work, I looked out and saw a lovely sunny day and I am still walking around in a T-shirt, Summer just doesn’t seem to want to end just yet. The rally season has ended on a high note with some fantastic Autumn events, our club coach trip was a great day out and just the Bring and Buy events to go, fingers crossed!

Once again its AGM time. PLEASE do give us some feedback, be it suggestions for next year or changes you like to see happen, or even just a thumbs up as its nice to know we are at least doing something right. A voting slip is included for the committee.

It was sad to hear of yet another former members passing, more about which is in this issue. However we have a couple of welcomes to make. Martin Bateup has recently acquired some of Tony Peirce’s collection and has already been busy fettling them to his liking. We look forward to seeing more of Martin and his engines at club events in the future along with Richard Francis, who was a member back in the early days of SEAMS.

Club Nights. After the AGM we have our Christmas social and collections night, so please come along and enjoy the evening and if you have an alternative hobby, why not bring something along for us to see please?

New Years Gathering. Jackie Cook has invited us back to Hurst Farm to enjoy Pauls museum. So bring along family and friends, an engine for the gas up if you can, and blow away those Winters Blues after the festive season has ended. Don’t forget its for charity too! See you there on January 4th.

Whilst some of you enjoyed Singleton, the editor and a small contingent trekked west to support the Internal Fire Museums End of Season event and to see the newly repainted SEAMS Allen 3S30 engine running… and mighty splendid it looked too.

With this being our last newsletter before the festive season, on behalf of the committee, I would like to wish every member and their families a Happy Christmas and may the New Year be good to you.

Just a final reminder of the next issue is due out at the end of December, so any copy for inclusion to the editor by the 15th December please.