SEAMS News Archives

Brewhurst Mill, Loxwood.

As advertised in the last newsletter, Mark Tewksbury Colin Williams and Bill Ovenden had organised a SEAMS evening visit to Brewhurst Mill near Loxwood. As the mill is to be converted into a dwelling this would likely be the last time to see it as is…

The mill has been in existence since at least 1500. A major fire around 1890 destroyed the two upper floors leaving only the existing brickwork on which the later mill was rebuilt, Under the mill the original 1840 water wheel survives but outside on the side of the building there is another wheel used when flooding prevented the lower wheel from turning. A 40hp Blackstone spring injection oil engine was installed in a ‘lean to’ on the side of the mill in 1928. This ran all the machinery via a drive belt until milling ceased in 1968.

About a dozen club members attended along with some locals and Wey and Arun volunteers. It didn’t take long for Colin and Bill to charge the receiver and get the right technique with the tinder glow plug to get the Blackstone running very well indeed. In the mill the whole building shakes under the power of the Blackstone. The millstones run pretty smoothly but the shakers shake more than just the grain…A fascinating visit after which we adjourned to the Loxwood arms for refreshment and food. Thanks to Colin, Bill and Mark for a most enjoyable summer evening.
