SEAMS News Archives

Cranleigh Car Show 11th August 2024

By Steve Rowland

On Sunday 11th Aug SEAMS were invited to the 2024 Cranleigh Car Show to exhibit alongside I think they said nearly 1000 entries. This show always gives some difficulty in getting in as the web application asks what car club you’re in or what vehicle, I have the organiser contact details and it is agreed that SEAMS members can enter and we can refer back to correspondence between the organiser and myself if challenged.

It was a great day and a good turnout of SEAMS members that gave us a really good show. Weather was perfect, sunny with a little breeze. We were situated in our normal spot that actually gives us a show of the cars coming in and ironically as the classic cars seem to leave before us a view when they go out. With the number of entries there was a good crowd and a lot of interest in our engines. The ice cream sales were going very well and reasonably priced which I think encouraged people to enjoy. Thank you to all that attended and we hope to do it again next year.